MPEG audio


MPEG stands for Motion Picture Experts Group. It's a standard for compressing video and audio. This page is only concerned with the audio part.

sound quality


browser issues

Browser requires some sort of MPEG-3 player application.

Configuring Netscape Navigator or Communicator:

The easiest way to set up Netscape to use your chosen MPEG player is to try clicking on a link to an MPEG file. If you don't yet have an MPEG player set up, a dialog box will pop up saying Nescape doesn't know how to handle a file of a given mime-type and asking what to do. Click on the Select App button select the MPEG player application from the folder in which it's installed.

If the dialog box described above doesn't come up, or if you want to change the MPEG player, you'll have to do it in the Preferences dialog:

  1. Select Preferences from the Edit menu and select the Applications tab/list item.
  2. Highlight the audio/mpeg or MPEG Audio item
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. In the dialog that pops up, set that the type should be handled by an Application
  5. Choose your MPEG player using the Choose button.
  6. Repeat the process for the audio/x-mpeg mimetype.

Configuring Internet Explorer:

authoring issues

So far, there three layers (types) of MPEG audio encoding:

You can convert to MPEG at one of several bitrates.

You need an encoder application to convert your uncompressed AIFF/sdII/WAV files to MPEG.

server issues

Server does not require special software.

security issues

There's nothing other than the copyright law stopping the user from using MPEG audio data in whatever awful ways he/she wants.